Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDABSMTA20 Turbo Dork Absinthe Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork Turbo Dork Hot Commodity (DISCONTINUED) MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDBSTMTA20 Turbo Dork Blue Steel Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDBULMTA20 Turbo Dork Bullion Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDCAFMTA20 Turbo Dork Cartridge Family Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDCRHMTA20 Turbo Dork Cool Ranch Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDCURMTA20 Turbo Dork Curacao Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDDBDMTA20 Turbo Dork Da Ba Dee Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDDBYMATA20 Turbo Dork Death By Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDCORMTA20 Turbo Dork Gold Rush Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDIGGMAT20 Turbo Dork Ill Gotten Gold Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDLOMMTA20 Turbo Dork Life on Mars Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDMAGMTA20 Turbo Dork Maguro Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDMALMTA20 Turbo Dork Malum Malus Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TAMATMTA20 Turbo Dork Matcha Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDMMOMTA20 Turbo Dork Momo Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDMPAMTA20 Turbo Dork Multi Pass Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDMURMTA20 Turbo Dork Murple Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDPEGMTA20 Turbo Dork Pearly Gates Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDPPEMTA20 Turbo Dork People Eater Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDPUKMTA20 Turbo Dork Pucker Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDPUGMTA20 Turbo Dork Purl Grey Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDK4970 Turbo Dork Rainbow Roll Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDREDMTA20 Turbo Dork Redrum Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDSAKMTA20 Turbo Dork Sakura Metallic Paint MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Turbo Dork | sku: TDSEFMTA20 Turbo Dork Sea Food Metallic Paint (DISCONTINUED) MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork "Turbo" Turbo Dork’s signature pink in a bottle is appropriately named Turbo. It is a bright, carnation pink and pairs well with Dork. Turbo is most vivid over white. PAINT TYPE: METALLIC TONE:... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork Hotline Hotline is hot pink. There is no mistaking it for anything else. This bright, shocking color is just the thing for the flashy sports car of your dreams. Hotline can be used over any undercoat color but works best over white... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork "Dork" Dork, the companion to Turbo, is based off of the blue in our logo. After all, who doesn't love a paint named Dork. Dork is a midrange color, a vivid shade of blue. It can be used over any undercoat... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork Appleseed Appleseed, like the Granny Smith, has a tart and crisp feel to it. Appleseed is bright green when applied over a white primer and is a slightly darker green over black. PAINT TYPE: METALLIC TONE: MIDRANGE RECOMMENDED PRIMER: WHITE OR... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDABSMTA20 Turbo Dork Absinthe Metallic Paint A classy paint that isn't what you think. Unless you are expecting a green hallucination, then... well... you are in for a treat with Absinthe. Absinthe can be used over any undercoat color but works best over white. Our example paint images have been... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork Hot Commodity (DISCONTINUED) Is there anything more 70’s than glam and camp? Hot Commodity is a deep, burnt orange with a whole mess of flake to top it all off. It's sparkly, pumpkin color over a black undercoat makes it the life of the party, and you would not... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork Summoning Sickness A beautiful putrid green dedicated to the plague gods. Bring forth their wrath upon your paint scheme. The paint is a bright green-gold color over a white primer but is a slightly darker green over black as illustrated in the example photos... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork Turbo Dork Orange You Glad Reach for Orange You Glad the next time you want to juice up a model. It is a bright yellow-orange, tending more to the orange side of yellow. It can be used over any undercoat color but shows up best over white or orange. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDBSTMTA20 Turbo Dork Blue Steel Metallic Paint "I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is." Blue Steel is a beautifully bright metallic gray with a hint of blue. Though not a full shift paint, you... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDBULMTA20 Turbo Dork Bullion Metallic Paint We arent talking about making soup here, just pure liquid gold. Stock up on the real deal. An expensive looking mid-range true metallic gold. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDCAFMTA20 Turbo Dork Cartridge Family Metallic Paint Shirley, Keith, Laurie, Danny, Chris, Tracy err wait... you said Cartridge, not Partridge... The darkest of the true metallic golds, some might even say it's a bronze. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDCRHMTA20 Turbo Dork Cool Ranch Metallic Paint "Shiny blue is more noticeable, more unique, and more full of the chill promise." A super saturated blue metallic. No mistaking this color for anything else, but at least your fingers won't get dirty. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDCURMTA20 Turbo Dork Curacao Metallic Paint Like a relaxing dip in the ocean. Well, I mean the blue of the ocean in Curacao, not here in Los Angeles. That would be a terrible idea. Curacao can be used over any undercoat color but works best over white. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDDBDMTA20 Turbo Dork Da Ba Dee Metallic Paint "All day and all night and everything he sees is just blue." I just love this blue. It is soo bright and vibrant. Definitely a hero color, a real stand-out in a crowd. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDDBYMATA20 Turbo Dork Death By Metallic Paint Dark, rich chocolate. Simply delicious. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDCORMTA20 Turbo Dork Gold Rush Metallic Paint Theres gold in them thar hills, as well as in this paint pot. This is a bright, true metallic, that is the color of a pure gold nugget. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDIGGMAT20 Turbo Dork Ill Gotten Gold Metallic Paint "Ill-gotten treasures profit nothing, but righteousness brings deliverance from death." Formulated as a contrast color to go with our other metallics. Ill Gotten Gold is not technically a color shift paint, but does have a slight green undertone shift. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDLOMMTA20 Turbo Dork Life on Mars Metallic Paint Will he ever know if there is life on Mars? This paint is a rusty, red-orange color, perfect for all of your Martians. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDMAGMTA20 Turbo Dork Maguro Metallic Paint Have you ever seen a blue fin tuna? If not, experience the blue of Maguro without going to Tsukiji Market. Maguro (sans sushi roll fixings) is a pastel that can be used either on its own over a white primer or layered over one of the our other paints. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDMALMTA20 Turbo Dork Malum Malus Metallic Paint Green, delicious, and hiding a secret. This bright paint is not a true turboshift but nonetheless has a hint of a yellow-green shift. Formulated for airbrush use, but may also be hand brushed. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TAMATMTA20 Turbo Dork Matcha Metallic Paint Just like the tea for your favorite matcha latte, this paint is specially grown and processed to give just the right shade of pale green. Matcha, the paint, is caffeine-free. It can be used either on its own over a white primer or layered over another... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDMMOMTA20 Turbo Dork Momo Metallic Paint Just peach of a color warm pinkish-orange but without the fuzz. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDMPAMTA20 Turbo Dork Multi Pass Metallic Paint This bright orange paint's secret ingredient is love. Multi Pass can be used on any undercoat color but works best over white. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDMURMTA20 Turbo Dork Murple Metallic Paint It is what it is ... A de-saturated purple with a hint of gold undertone to warm it back up. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDPEGMTA20 Turbo Dork Pearly Gates Metallic Paint A full white metallic, pretty as a pearl. This paint can be used on any undercoat color, but for best effect, Pearly Gates needs to be used over a white base. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDPPEMTA20 Turbo Dork People Eater Metallic Paint Coming out of the sky with one long horn and one big eye. A fully saturated royal purple metallic. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDPUKMTA20 Turbo Dork Pucker Metallic Paint When life hands you lemons, use them to paint your miniatures. Pucker can be used on any undercoat color but works best over white. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDPUGMTA20 Turbo Dork Purl Grey Metallic Paint Tea, Purl Grey, Hot. More of a periwinkle than a tea color, but you get where I'm going here. Purl Grey is a mid-range purple with tinges of silver. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDK4970 Turbo Dork Rainbow Roll Metallic Paint We’ve all wanted to taste the rainbow, but what if you could harness it and bottle it? Rainbow Roll is a silvery black base paint, with a whole colorful rainbow effect inside it. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDREDMTA20 Turbo Dork Redrum Metallic Paint Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum, Redrum! Get it? Blood red... ok I'll go now. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDSAKMTA20 Turbo Dork Sakura Metallic Paint cherry blossoms in bloom twisting, turning as they fall covering the ground Luckily, the paint called Sakura is not as ephemeral as its namesake. It is one of the pastels included in the Omakase Bundle and will be around for awhile. It can be used either... MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Turbo Dork | sku: TDSEFMTA20 Turbo Dork Sea Food Metallic Paint (DISCONTINUED) I'm on a diet. When the ocean's foam goes metallic. A green that is perfect for down where it's wetter. MSRP: Now: $6.30 Add to Cart Compare