Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view Details TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-001 Resistance Starter Army - TTDZX-RES-001 After humanity was almost annihilated they left Earth and the Cradle Worlds behind. But that wasn’t all that they left. Survivors of the Scourge invasion, remnants of battles with Abandonists, and all those others that fell through the cracks were... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-051 Resistance: Carryhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-051 Essentially a wide-bodied, rarer evolution of the stalwart Strikehawk tiltrotor, the Carryhawk adds additional girth and lift capacity by including a pair of huge, tail-mounted ducted fans. The Carryhawks pair of heavy calibre rotary cannons can spit... MSRP: $19.50 Now: $16.58 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance: K9 Technicals - TTDZR-RES-050 Resistance cells often have to make do with the equipment they have available. Sometimes it's more effective to keep the vehicles you do have operational than to find operational vehicles you don't have. The Resistance have plenty of access to vehicles... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-043 Resistance Atmospheric Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-043 For speed over rough ground the resistance have nothing better than the Attila Trackwalkers, the adaptability of these vehicles to the terrain around them is unequal. Packing short range lethal firepower that can crack the hulls of the heaviest tanks,... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance Platoon Armour Battlegroup - TTDZX-RES-040 Resistance forces will fight with whatever vehicles and weapons they have ready, but they do prefer ones that will help them survive. Looting old military bases and underground hangers, many Resistance cells have amassed quite a collection of pre-war... MSRP: $45.50 Now: $38.68 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-048 Resistance Light Behemoth Avernus Mining Engine - TTDZX-RES-048 The scale of these diggings require similarly gargantuan machines. For the Resistance, these became prime targets for all sorts of modifications - the vast majority not for battlefield roles, but some have proved surprisingly effective. By far the... MSRP: $65.00 Now: $55.25 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Juggernaut Behemoth - TTDZX-RES-041 Resistance Behemoths were designed by the EAA as land clearance and exploratory vehicles. Capable of carving out habitable areas from dense jungles and cutting aggressive megafauna down to size. These massive vehicles were humanity's first lumbering... MSRP: $123.50 Now: $104.98 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-013 Resistance Patton AFVs - TTDZR-RES-013 Pre-war, the Patton was often deployed in favour of the Hannibal in developed areas of the cradle worlds, where the superior speed and simple efficiency of wheels beats the mobility of treads. While less well armoured, the Patton's resilient hull makes... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZX-RES-002 Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft "The Leviathan's stand-out quality is its scale - it dwarfs the heavy dropships employed by all other forces in present theatres of combat." The Leviathan Heavy Hovercraft is the epitome of heavy transports. Able to carry up to 24 Technicals,... MSRP: $39.00 Now: $33.15 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-047 Resistance Gunbuses - TTDZR-RES-047 Like other improvised Resistance technicals, the Gunbus repurposes a common, civilian unit. Buses are usually employed as transports, requiring basic modification, but sometimes they are stripped to their chassis, providing space enough to mount heavy... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-015 Resistance Hellhog Jumpjet - TTDZR-RES-015 The J19 Hellhog is a truly dangerous heavy strike jumpjet, designed primarily for a ground attack role. Although it can be equipped with air-to-air missiles, it has always had a lacklustre record in dogfights. A Fast Aircraft that can hover? Sign... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-017 Resistance Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-017 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-036 Resistance Kalium Voidhawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-036 The VT77 Voidhawk Dropship existed before the Scourge invasion but unlike its common atmospheric cousin the Lifthawk, the Voidhawk has limited spaceflight capability, superior aerodynamics and crucially a higher ceiling of 75,000 feet for orbital... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-035 Resistance Kalium Battle Buses - TTDZR-RES-035 Kalium's K80 was originally designed to get Pacification Platoons to urban flashpoints. The Kabal's military also appreciate its value, given its firing points, resilience and low cost. Battlefield K80's may include missiles or guns, while self-driving... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-034 Resistance Kalium Jacksons - TTDZR-RES-034 Based on the chassis of the pre-war Jackson, the KA90 Frontline Halftrack is a Kalium development from the colossal Aspire City Tank Factory. Matching the Jackson's off-road capability and 10-man capacity, the KA90 is considerably cheaper though less... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-033 Resistance Storm Artillery Wagons - TTDZR-RES-033 The K37 Armoured Truck chassis is employed by Kalium with varying roles, since the large vehicle has enough space to mount a large variety of weaponry. If a conscript survives manning a standard AA K37 long enough, they're often promoted to the back-line... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-032 Resistance Kalium AA Gun Wagons - TTDZR-RES-032 The K37 Armoured Truck is a low-tier, high volume government unit with a universal traversable turret mount. Kalium equips law enforcement marks with water cannons, teargas launchers and sonic incapacitators. Battlefield versions mount AA guns, and... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-031 Resistance Kalium Rocket Technicals - TTDZR-RES-031 The K12 Combat Utility Vehicle - known by Kalium troops as the 'Kuv' - is armoured, car-sized and packs a roof rack turret for an anti-armour missile launcher or AA-capable heavy machinegun. For the average Kalium citizen, the K12's blocky silhouette is... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-028 Resistance Tempest Interceptor - TTDZR-RES-028 The Triumvirate of UCM, PHR, and Kalium has provided new hope on Earth and all the colony worlds. Their combined offensive has brought with it devastating loses for the alien Scourge, and Resistance ground forces have used those to their full advantage... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-027 Resistance Swifthawk Tiltjets - TTDZR-RES-027 The Resistance have been living on pre-war scraps of technology for 250 years. Whether on occupied worlds or out in the depths of space, there is a limit to what these fighters can do with what they have. Kalium however, has had no such trouble... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-006 5-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 5 holes, they're perfect for your Frontline Infantry bases, or anything with 5 troops to a stand. Modelled after a city environment, these bases provide a... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-ACC-005 3-Hole Urban Infantry Bases This set contains a whole bunch of urban style Dropzone infantry bases. All kitted out with 3 holes, they're perfect for Shaltari players or anyone looking to take some Exotic infantry in their armies. Modelled after a city environment, these bases... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-008 Dropzone Commander - Resistance Hydra Relay Hovercraft - TTDZR-RES-008 The practice of Resistance commanders sending their armies into battle in vast hovercrafts is not one of tactical advantage, but more necessity. Faster and hardier than the frequently ramshackle or low-spec technicals and wagons, the hovercrafts fill a... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-002 Resistance Alexander Heavy Tank - TTDZR-RES-002 M3 tanks are some of the largest vehicles seen on a Dropzone Commander battlefield. Too heavy to be brought to battle in a hovercraft, they rely on Lifthawks to drop them into combat. Their strong armour and 5 Damage Points are offset by a slow movement... MSRP: $15.60 Now: $13.26 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-001 Resistance Dice These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players! Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Temporarily Out of stock, Please Check back Later. Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-018 Resistance Pizzaro Hazard Walker - TTDZR-RES-018 A bizarre vehicle, the Pizzaro goes by almost as many names as worlds it exists upon. Often part of an initial colonising settlement, the PIzzaro's sharp claws and Deforestation Missiles are able to clear a hazardous area quickly. Now the chariot... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-019 Resistance Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor - TTDZR-RES-019 One of the most expensive pre-invasion pieces of kit, the Strikehawk Tilt-Rotor cost a lot to produce and required the most extensively trained pilots. Of course, pilots with experience (or mad enough to attempt it) are plentiful after two centuries of... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-021 Resistance Scout ATVs - TTDZR-RES-021 Scout ATVs operate ahead of the main Resistance force and use a wide range of pre-invasion tech to distort and hamper enemy targeting systems. If you fancy being as annoying as a Shaltari commander but without having to paint all those dots, how about... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-024 Resistance Sappers - TTDZR-RES-024 Lacing roadways with traps, blocking off avenues of escape and toppling enemy occupied buildings are just some of the weapons in the Sappers' arsenal. Charges are detonated at opportune moments, sending enemy units down into crushing rock tunnels or... MSRP: Now: $10.40 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-023 Resistance Attack ATVs - TTDZR-RES-023 Attack ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) encompass anything from quad bikes to all terrain mobility vehicles; resistance fighters don’t care what it was, as long as they can strap a grenade launcher to it and drive at high speed towards the enemy. ... MSRP: $13.00 Now: $11.05 Choose Options Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected × OK
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-009 Lifthawk Dropship - TTDZR-RES-009 The AT-77 Lifthawk was the ubiquitous pre-war aerial transport - many are still flying with Resistance forces today. Its muscular VTOL design allows operation from secluded outposts. This workhorse is exceptionally rugged, with multiple redundant... MSRP: $54.60 Now: $49.25 Add to Cart Compare Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected
Quick view TTCombat | sku: TTDZR-RES-010 Resistance 209 Breaching Drill - TTDZR-RES-010 Popularised by the legendary Jessie Adam, the 209 "Big Bertha" Breaching Drill has become a more common sight on battlefields. Able to safely transport an entire battalion, the 209 erupts anywhere on a battlefield, disgorging its inhabitants directly... MSRP: $23.40 Now: $19.89 Choose Options Compare 1 2 Next 1 2 Next Compare Selected